Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (5b2ec1)


(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /config.json
# Route name Path Log
1 app_bikesize_getbikesizes /api/bikeSizes Path does not match
2 app_bikesize_addbikesize /api/bikeSizes Path does not match
3 app_bikesize_deletebikesize /api/bikeSizes/{id} Path does not match
4 app_color_getcolors /api/colors Path does not match
5 app_color_addcolors /api/colors Path does not match
6 app_color_deletecolors /api/colors/{id} Path does not match
7 app_export_exportecheance /api/societies/{id}/echeancier/export Path does not match
8 app_export_exportmaintenance /api/societies/{id}/maintenanceDate/export Path does not match
9 app_list_gethelmetsize /api/helmetSizes Path does not match
10 app_maintenancedate_add /api/maintenancedates/add Path does not match
11 app_media_postmedia /api/media Path does not match
12 app_media_showmedia /api/media/show/{id} Path does not match
13 app_media_showpublicmedia /public/api/media/show/{id} Path does not match
14 app_media_import /api/parks/imports/{id} Path does not match
15 app_order_get /api/orders Path does not match
16 app_order_get_1 /api/company/{societyId}/orders Path does not match
17 app_order_getcount /api/orders/count Path does not match
18 app_order_getcount_1 /api/company/{societyId}/orders/count Path does not match
19 app_order_transmit /api/company/{societyId}/orders/transmettre Path does not match
20 app_order_fetch /api/orders/{id} Path does not match
21 app_order_add /api/orders Path does not match
22 app_order_edit /api/orders/{id} Path does not match
23 app_park_get /api/parks Path does not match
24 app_park_get_1 /api/company/{companyId}/parks Path does not match
25 app_park_getcount /api/parks/count Path does not match
26 app_park_getcount_1 /api/company/{companyId}/parks/count Path does not match
27 app_park_available /api/company/{companyId}/available Path does not match
28 app_park_availableaddress /api/company/{companyId}/available/address Path does not match
29 app_park_fetch /api/parks/{id} Path does not match
30 app_park_add /api/parks Path does not match
31 app_park_edit /api/parks/{id} Path does not match
32 app_park_editaddress /api/parks/{id}/address Path does not match
33 app_parkevent_getlisting /api/parks/{id}/events Path does not match
34 app_parkevent_getlistingsavs /api/parks/{id}/sav Path does not match
35 app_parkevent_add /api/parks/{parkId}/events/{type} Path does not match
36 app_parkevent_edit /api/parks/{parkId}/events/{type}/{eventId} Path does not match
37 app_parkevent_delete /api/parks/events/{id} Path does not match
38 app_parkschedule_getlisting /api/parks/{id}/schedule Path does not match
39 app_parkschedule_add /api/parks/schedule Path does not match
40 app_parkschedule_edit /api/parks/schedule/{id} Path does not match
41 app_parkschedule_cancel /api/parks/schedule/{id} Path does not match
42 app_ping_getping /public/ping Path does not match
43 app_produit_get /api/products Path does not match
44 app_produit_fetch /api/products/{id} Path does not match
45 app_produit_add /api/products/{type} Path does not match
46 app_produit_addaccessory /api/products/{id}/accessories Path does not match
47 app_produit_removeaccessory /api/products/accessories/{id}/{accessoryId} Path does not match
48 app_produit_edit /api/products/{id} Path does not match
49 app_produit_delete /api/products/{id} Path does not match
50 app_produit_editstatus /api/products/{id}/status Path does not match
51 me_get /api/profil/me Path does not match
52 app_profil_edit /api/profil/me Path does not match
53 app_profiledevice_create /api/profil/me/devicetoken Path does not match
54 forgotten_password_request /public/api/auth/forgot-password Path does not match
55 forgotten_password_resetting /public/api/auth/reset-password Path does not match
56 app_societyaddress_add /api/societies/{id}/address Path does not match
57 app_societyaddress_edit /api/societies/{id}/address/{addressId} Path does not match
58 app_societyaddress_delete /api/societies/{id}/address/{addressId} Path does not match
59 app_society_getlisting /api/societies Path does not match
60 app_society_fetch /api/societies/{id} Path does not match
61 app_society_getlogo /public/societies/{slug}/logo Path does not match
62 app_society_getbyslug /public/societies/{slug} Path does not match
63 app_society_create /api/societies Path does not match
64 app_society_edit /api/societies/{id} Path does not match
65 app_society_delete /api/societies/{id} Path does not match
66 app_societydeliverylocation_getdeliverylocations /api/societies/{id}/deliverylocations Path does not match
67 app_societydeliverylocation_adddeliverylocation /api/societies/{id}/deliverylocations Path does not match
68 app_societydeliverylocation_editdeliverylocation /api/societies/{id}/deliverylocations/{locationId} Path does not match
69 app_societydeliverylocation_deletedeliverylocation /api/societies/{id}/deliverylocations/{locationId} Path does not match
70 app_societydocument_getdocuments /api/societies/{id}/documents Path does not match
71 app_societydocument_getcharte /api/societies/{id}/charte Path does not match
72 app_societydocument_adddocument /api/societies/{id}/documents Path does not match
73 app_societydocument_editdocument /api/societies/{id}/documents/{documentId} Path does not match
74 app_societydocument_addcharte /api/societies/{id}/charte Path does not match
75 app_societydocument_editcharte /api/societies/{id}/charte/{charteId} Path does not match
76 app_societydocument_deletedocument /api/societies/{id}/documents/{documentId} Path does not match
77 app_societydocument_deletecharte /api/societies/{id}/charte/{charteId} Path does not match
78 app_societyecheance_getecheancier /api/societies/{id}/echeancier Path does not match
79 app_societyfixer_getlisting /api/societies/{id}/fixers Path does not match
80 app_societyfixer_add /api/societies/{id}/fixers Path does not match
81 app_societyfixer_edit /api/societies/{id}/fixers/{fixerId} Path does not match
82 app_societyfixer_delete /api/societies/{id}/fixers/{fixerId} Path does not match
83 app_societymaintenancedate_getmaintenancedates /api/societies/{id}/maintenancedates Path does not match
84 app_societymaintenancedate_getnextmaintenancedates /api/societies/{id}/nextmaintenancedates Path does not match
85 app_societymaintenancedate_addmaintenancedate /api/societies/{id}/maintenancedates Path does not match
86 app_societymaintenancedate_editmaintenancedate /api/societies/{id}/maintenancedates/{maintenanceId} Path does not match
87 app_societymaintenancedate_deletemaintenancedate /api/societies/{id}/maintenancedates/{maintenanceId} Path does not match
88 app_societymaintenancedate_getcountmaintenancedate /api/societies/maintenancedates/count Path does not match
89 app_societyproduct_getlisting /api/societies/{id}/products Path does not match
90 app_societyproduct_add /api/societies/{id}/products Path does not match
91 app_societyproduct_edit /api/societies/{id}/products/{productId} Path does not match
92 app_societyproduct_delete /api/societies/{id}/products/{productId} Path does not match
93 app_societyproduct_getaccessories /api/societies/{id}/accessories Path does not match
94 app_societyregister_register /public/societies/{slug}/signup Path does not match
95 app_societyregister_register_1 /public/societies/signup Path does not match
96 app_statistique_getcounts /api/statistiques/sav Path does not match
97 app_statistique_getcounts_1 /api/company/{id}/statistiques/sav Path does not match
98 app_statistique_getorders /api/statistiques/order Path does not match
99 app_statistique_getorders_1 /api/company/{id}/statistiques/order Path does not match
100 app_statistique_getothers /api/statistiques/ca Path does not match
101 app_statistique_getothers_1 /api/statistiques/flotte Path does not match
102 app_statistique_getothers_2 /api/company/{id}/statistiques/flotte Path does not match
103 app_statistique_getusers /api/statistiques/users Path does not match
104 app_statistique_getusers_1 /api/company/{id}/statistiques/users Path does not match
105 app_statistique_getsocieties /api/statistiques/society Path does not match
106 app_user_getlisting /api/users Path does not match
107 app_user_getlisting_1 /api/company/{societyId}/users Path does not match
108 app_user_getorderlisting /api/users/{id}/orders Path does not match
109 app_user_getschedulelisting /api/users/{id}/schedules Path does not match
110 app_user_getecheancelisting /api/users/{id}/echeancier Path does not match
111 app_user_get /api/users/{id} Path does not match
112 app_user_get_1 /api/company/{societyId}/users/{id} Path does not match
113 app_user_add /api/users Path does not match
114 app_user_add_1 /api/company/{id}/users Path does not match
115 app_user_edit /api/users/{id} Path does not match
116 app_user_edit_1 /api/company/{societyId}/users/{id} Path does not match
117 app_user_delete /api/users/{id} Path does not match
118 app_user_delete_1 /api/company/{societyId}/users/{id} Path does not match
119 app.swagger /doc.json Path does not match
120 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
121 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
122 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
123 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
124 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
125 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
126 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
127 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
128 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
129 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
130 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
131 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
132 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
133 oauth2_authorize /authorize Path does not match
134 oauth2_token /token Path does not match
135 app.swagger_ui /api/v1/public/doc Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.